Relaunching Your Career (3 of 3)

By Teri Hockett

Relaunching your career is a major change in your life. The last two weeks you cleared the calender then learned tips on sharing your news with the family and enlisting their support. This is the final blog of the series that addresses the three major steps to help you relaunch your career.

Step 3- Create Your Own Career Management Team

Build Your Team


One thing I learned from my hours of research is that re-entering the workplace or finding a job in general can be a lonely experience. Support is critical to many aspects of the process.

Support can be found in many places, such as friends, family, previous work associates or bosses. Locate someone who currently works in the field that you want to get into and ask for their help. Your team should consist of people who can help you manage your career and launch an effective job search. Being part of a team makes the journey that much more enjoyable and you can achieve so much more.

Access your career management team to have discussions about Step 1: Make finding a job your job! Carve out the time in your life/schedule, and Step 2: Talk to your family. Your team would be a great place to identify your dream job, discuss your passions and expand your search.

Women chatting


Team members are an excellent source for help with reviewing and editing resumes and covers letters. They can also help you prepare for job interviews by running mock interviews, along with asking questions afterwards such as:

  • What went well?
  • What did not?
  • What would you do differently?

A team can greatly improve your odds of reentering the workplace quickly and make the process a lot more fun! I believe it’s true that “two heads are better than one” especially in this case. Also, having to be accountable to someone will help keep you motivated and on track. Most importantly, it will get you out of the house!

So, you have cleared your calendar, shared the news with your family and created your career managment team – let the search begin!

About the Author

Teri Hockett

Teri Hockett is the CEO of What’s For Work? The Premier Career Site for Women.

About What’s For Work?

The Premier Career Site for Women. Real People. Real Connections. Real Support. — with everything in one place!

Mission: To redefine how employers acquire talent and women find and preserve their dream jobs using innovative technologies.

Company Overview: What’s For Work? helps women take control of their careers by providing a rich set of tools that develop their knowledge, skills and confidence they need to land and preserve their dream jobs.