6 Steps to Embrace Change in the Workplace

By Teri Hockett

Are you one of those people that fear any change, whether it is new employees, new policies, or new ways of doing the same job? You feel comfortable in a familiar routine, and when that balance is threatened, you resist. Your attitude probably changes and not in a positive way. You may engage in negative conversations with family, peers, coworkers and management. You may even find ways to sabotage the success of the change.

All of these behaviors can dramatically affect your career growth and possibly the longevity of your career with a particular company.

First and foremost, realize that any company that makes the effort to make changes means that they are open to making things better. While the current change might not be the most effective or advantageous in your workplace, the next change might be the right one.

The key is to become part of the solution, and be open minded to the possibilities. This will result in an opportunity for you to show off your team skills, which might lead to career advancement. Opportunities present themselves when you become part of the solution and avoid impeding the flow.

Get in front or you may be left behind

Stop listing reasons why the change won’t work and avoid hanging with others that feel the same way. Look for people that embrace the change, ask questions about the big picture, and gather facts…not feelings. Remember that others could be feeling the stress of the change as well, so be ready with a friendly smile and a professional attitude – not everything has to change.

Start by asking questions. Is there is a transition plan for the change? If it’s a big change, there should be milestones. Is there a timeline for the implementation? Will the people who are directly affected receive support and any training necessary to the success of the transition? Will there be a significant event to indicate the end of the transition and the success of the change?

Be on the lookout for new opportunities; make suggestions that will enhance the success of the transition. Get noticed for your open and positive attitude.

6 Steps to Embrace Change in the Workplace

  1. Determine what exactly is changing and what is not
  2. Ask who is affected by the change
  3. Find out when the change starts, and what signifies the transition is complete and successful
  4. Be an early supporter, ask what can you do to assure the success of the change
  5. Be patient and flexible as management executes the change
  6. Volunteer to take the lead in helping to implement or champion the change

About the Author

Teri Hockett

Teri Hockett is the CEO of What’s For Work? The Premier Career Site for Women.

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Company Overview: What’s For Work? helps women take control of their careers by providing a rich set of tools that develop their knowledge, skills and confidence they need to land and preserve their dream jobs.