A Female Perspective on Social Media

An interview with Bri Clark

With so many women actively involved in social media, we reached out to someone who knows a thing or two about the subject to get her thoughts, Bri Clark from Belle Consulting.

1. Why do women stand out when it comes to social media?

Women are naturally social. We as beings crave camaraderie. Often times we are isolated within the sphere of our responsibilities with little to no contact with the regular world. Because of social media we can be in two places at once…in a sense. We can discuss hobbies, share photos with far away relatives, or lean on a friend during a particularly bad day. Social media is dominated by us because we love it. We use it.

2. How can women use social media to network more effectively?

With my earlier answer I said that we are naturally more social by nature. In contrast a business mindset is not as natural for us. What I mean by that is we are emotionally influenced in everything. For example a man might think he is entitled to promotion and raise and ask for it. Women are much harder on themselves in comparison. They have to feel that they have earned it. And since women are so hard on themselves they probably will never feel they did deserve it. With that said. If we as women would be bold and ask for support when we need it we will find that there is a virtual army of female supporters to answer that call. For example, if you have a blog post you are particularly proud of and you want others to see it. Just ask them to share it. They will.

3. Are there things to avoid or be aware of when it comes to having an online presence?

Don’t assume anything. Often times we will find that our feelings are hurt. And it’s because we have allowed it to hurt us. One of the best things I’ve been told is don’t assume. It’s also the one I struggle with the most. In addition to not assuming you need to decide where you will draw your lines between social presence and personal details. I know a woman who has a toddler and she is very popular author and speaker. She has never divulged her son’s name online. Opting to simply call him “the Spawn” instead. One minute she’s talking books and blogging the next cats and potty training. It’s an amazing combination that has created a great response. But she set that boundary from the beginning and has stuck to it. So make sure that even if they are small boundaries you stick to them.

4. Lastly, what is the most memorable professional experience you had that came from using social media?

For that would have to be connecting with one of my favorite authors of all time. We connected through Facebook. I counseled her on some social media marketing. We found we have a lot in common. Cats, kids, husbands, and deadlines. Just by getting to know her as one woman to another our relationship has grown to texting and phone calls. Because of it I actually got to hear news before any other fan would about her novels. And because I understand and value her friendship I of course didn’t’ divulge it.

About the Author

Bri Clark

Bri is the original Social Ghoster, literary strategist, popular blogger, award-winning author and speaker as well as a consultant and promoter for multiple publishers and businesses. As a founding premier member and marketing strategist of the Women Speakers Association she works with women all around the world. One of her greatest joys is showing people how not to be intimidated by anything. Her personal motto “Alpha all the way,” which means prepare to dominate anything you go after, is the mentality she attempts to invest in her audience. Visit her at: www.belleconsult.com

About What’s For Work?

The Premier Career Site for Women. Real People. Real Connections. Real Support. — with everything in one place! www.whatsforwork.com

Mission: To redefine how employers acquire talent and women find and preserve their dream jobs using innovative technologies.

Company Overview: What’s For Work? helps women take control of their careers by providing a rich set of tools that develop their knowledge, skills and confidence they need to land and preserve their dream jobs.

The California Women’s Conference

by Teri Hockett

Recently, I attended the spectacular two day California Women’s Conference held in Long Beach, California. There was an impressive list of 150 speakers, performances from Melissa Manchester and Helen Reddy, and over 250 exhibitors. There were also authors on hand to sign books, and an expansive list of empowering breakout sessions.

Monday morning  kicked off with keynote speaker Marcia Cross sharing some very revealing parallels between being a Desperate Housewife to a stay-at-home mom with twin daughters. Cross said, “How can we work together to build a world that supports motherhood, women’s careers and women’s choices, not because it is the right thing to do, but because it is the smart thing to do,” she said. “Women are not only the backbone of our families, but the backbone of the economy in rich and poor nations alike. We are the keepers of the flame. And we must value ourselves and each other.”

I found this very inspiring, a message that draws women together for the good of human kind, to promote and support each other.

Empowerment and finding your authentic voice are two key phases that were shared, along with Stedman Graham letting women know to not let anyone put you in a box, that only you can define who you are.


A chance meeting with the amazing Bri Clark representing the Women Speakers Association (WSA), led to a wonderful encounter with Melanie Benson Strick; who then said we had to meet Rhonda Britten. Meeting three incredible and powerful women all before the doors even opened Sunday afternoon meant we were off to an incredible start.

Women Speakers Association is the place to go to get your voice heard. They are helping women grow their visibility from the boardroom to the stage. Every women we met at their booth was dynamic and passionate about representing WSA.

Melanie Benson Strick, CEO of Success Connections, is also an Honorary Founding Partner of WSA. Success Connections is all about guiding and inspiring the entrepreneurs’ journey from overwhelmed and burned out to unleashing their passions to reach optimum performance.

Rhonda Britten, founder of the Fearless Living Institute (FLI), won an Emmy for your daytime reality drama Starting Over, author of several books, and has inspired millions of people worldwide to master their fear. Check out her Fearless America Tour 2013 at: www.fearlessamerica.com.

Shoe Envy

I realize this may seem like a strange topic when talking about a conference, but it is a personal one for me. You see, I am still in a walking cast which results in a very limited choice of shoes that match the exact height of the cast. Needless to say, I was very interested in the selection of shoes that attendees were wearing; from Nike to Louboutin and everything in between.

There is the wonderful sound of a woman walking in heels on tile floors (click click click). There is a certain air of confidence that a great pair of shoes can impart. Some shoes are a pure work of art; they are beautiful to look at. I do love a great pair of heels, and was surely envious of those women who could wear them all day at a conference; never once did I see a glimmer of pain across their faces.

However, when I would comment on how beautiful their shoes were, most all said they were envious of my shoe choice (REALLY, SERIOUSLY, you have got to be kidding me!). I never even wear socks that don’t match, even when you can’t see them. So for me to wear a walking cast and some other random dull flat shoe, makes it almost impossible to get out the door.

So the question is, when you know you are going to be on your feet all day long, do you go for comfort or style?

About the Author

Teri Hockett

Teri Hockett is the CEO of What’s For Work? The Premier Career Site for Women.

About What’s For Work?

The Premier Career Site for Women. Real People. Real Connections. Real Support. — with everything in one place! www.whatsforwork.com

Mission: To redefine how employers acquire talent and women find and preserve their dream jobs using innovative technologies.

Company Overview: What’s For Work? helps women take control of their careers by providing a rich set of tools that develop their knowledge, skills and confidence they need to land and preserve their dream jobs.