Career Change: From Profit to Nonprofit

by Trina Fleming

Two years ago I made a career move from the for profit sector to the nonprofit sector.  The biggest difference I found was that most everyone knows exactly what the organization’s mission is and can recite it verbatim.

In my experience working in the for profit world, many preached the importance of mission and vision.  We spouted it, we went to seminars about it, we may have even memorized it for our 30 second elevator pitch, but I am not convinced that most of us lived it.  And that’s not a put-down…I think to some degree and at some times, managing the bottom line was our mission.  Working with a nonprofit organization is different in that for the most part we live for the actual mission being manifested in the lives of those we are serving on a daily basis. We recognize the long term implications of our work and realize that not getting something done means more than not making profit, it may mean someone will continue to live in their car or go hungry.

That being said, I think there are a lot of similarities between for profit and non profit.  The same thing that make great for profit organizations make great non-profit organizations.  The customers are different, the tools may be different, the lingo and the some of the acronyms are different, but the people who are driven to achieve what most say cannot be done…they are the same.  The self-sacrificing compulsive A-type personality that is the driving force of great for profit organizations is the same one that successfully leads in the non-profit sector.

Another thing I will say about the non-profit sector is that lack of funding and resources will quickly shed light on who should be there and who should not.  Doing more with less, never ending multi-tasking and the courage to ask anyone and everyone to contribute their treasure, time and talent are the critical skill sets.  In the last two years I have worked harder and longer hours than any previous for profit position. Those who need our services never stop coming and I never feel like the job is done.  But on the other hand, no two days are the same, I hear amazing stories of transformed lives and the mission that drives me is aligned with my own values and vision for my life.

Another difference I found in the nonprofit sector is that most everyone is willing to empty their own trash. I don’t hear anyone saying, “that’s not my job.”  While there are very specific job descriptions and clear definitions of functions and responsibilities, there is also a somewhat unspoken understanding that we are here to get a mission done and we will do what needs to be done to do just that.

About the Author

Trina Fleming

Trina is the Director of Operations and Marketing at WHW. She utilizes her 22 years of experience in operations, information technology systems and business development as she is charged with enhancing and maintaining internal organization processes, overseeing all facility needs, the development and management of technology support and a focused outreach to local small business partners.  Trina leads a volunteer Marketing and Public Relations Committee focused on critical marketing and outreach to all of WHW’s constituents and effective communication between the organization and the public.

About What’s For Work?

The Premier Career Site for Women.

Mission: To redefine how employers acquire talent and women find and preserve their dream jobs using innovative technologies.

Company Overview: What’s For Work? helps women take control of their careers by providing a rich set of tools that develop their knowledge, skills and confidence they need to land and preserve their dream jobs.

Live Your Passion by Working in the Non-Profit Industry

by Brateil Aghasi

Whether you are a college student newly entering the workforce, a seasoned executive, or have been employed by life as a stay at home mom, the nonprofit industry is a rewarding career path to be explored!

There are over 1.5 million non-profits throughout the nation. Some are household names like United Way or Salvation Army. Others are local, grassroot organizations like WHW (Women Helping Women/Men2Work) in which I am the Associate Director/Vice President. And then there are those like St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital or the Red Cross which you may not even realize are non-profits.

The non-profit industry is actually the fastest growing job sector over the past decade with a 10 year record in job growth despite 2 major recessions. Non-profits employ 1 in every 10 American workers and is the third largest labor force! And these 13.5 million non-profit professionals are not all case managers or social workers as some may assume. Non-Profits employ a vast amount of skilled workers and business minded managers, human resource professionals, accountants, computer programmers, office administrators, business development executives, marketers, sale associates, and so much more!

Go ahead, don’t hold back. Who wouldn’t love to be in a growing field with various challenging opportunities that make a difference in our community! Here are three simple tips to start doing today to live your passion and break into the non-profit industry:

1)  Target Your Focus with a Plan and Follow up with Research

Narrow your search to a few causes you are passionate about whether it be homelessness, domestic violence, education, etc. and get informed. You can’t say you are passionate about helping the homeless or domestic violence if you are not educated about what these population deal with, statistics, laws, programs, etc. Just like any job search, you need to do your research.

2)  Grassroots Networking- Volunteer, Intern, Join Committees and Boards

Non-Profits like all industries do NOT post job leads in online sites, such as Monster or even which is geared towards non-profits. Non-Profits hire for un-advertised jobs by looking into their own network and asking for referrals. Start volunteering, sign up for an internship, join committees and then eventually boards of directors. Once you do, treat it like a job. Dress professionally, work hard, ask smart questions, take on special projects, and make yourself known to the managers and staff. Do not over commit yourself; sign up for what you can and be very consistent and engaged while you are there. For non-profits, its quality of your work, not the hours spent doing it that will get you noticed.

3)  Professional Networking- Join Associations and Informational Interviews

A more formal way of networking within nonprofits is by joining professional associations.  There are fundraising associations, cause related associations, county wide associations, etc. Pick a few strategic ones, and join them so you can meet people with influence within the industry. Another effective way of getting to know a person of influence is to conduct an informational interview (typically 15-30 minutes.) Dress professionally and bring your resume, but make no mistake you do not ask for a job. You are there because you have a passion for the cause and admire the person and company in which you are meeting. You ask for advice on how to get into the industry, what they’ve learned, any advice they would have for you, etc. You follow up with a thank you note and thank you email within 48 hours. If you play your cards right, this person of influence will remember you when it’s time to hire either for their company or is asked for a referral.

By following these tips, you have just made yourself marketable within the nonprofit industry and its 13.5 million professionals. And as we all know, it’s who you know and not what you know that will get you hired!

About the Author

Brateil Aghasi

As Associate Director for the non-profit organization, WHW, Brateil has lead the organization the past 7 years in its program and volunteer strategy and development, as well as grant and corporate fundraising and engagement, as well social enterprise ventures.  With over 14 years in sales and management, Brateil brings her business sense to the non-profit community in which she has been involved in and had a passion for since the 7th grade when recognized by the county of Orange at such an early age. She can be reached at:

WHW empowers low-income individuals to attain economic self-sufficiency through employment success.

About What’s For Work?

The Premier Career Site for Women. Real People. Real Connections. Real Support. — with everything in one place!

Mission: To redefine how employers acquire talent and women find and preserve their dream jobs using innovative technologies.

Company Overview: What’s For Work? helps women take control of their careers by providing a rich set of tools that develop their knowledge, skills and confidence they need to land and preserve their dream jobs.